Public Art Works


The capabilities of the studio are extremely varied. In my professional work as a sculptor, I am engaged in many processes, which is an extension of my background as a carpenter, woodworker and builder. Also reflected in in the resources of the studio is my background as the son of a modernist sculptor. I grew up in the studio of my dad, William J. Thompson, and he was engaged in carving, casting and modeling, and so I have those types of tools and equipment. It is noteworthy that most of what I know about traditional sculptural processes, I learned from him.

Broadly speaking, I have the ability to do welded steel sculpture, fabricated wood pieces, assemblages, stone and wood carving, and cast bronze. In the bronze casting area, I am using ceramic shell mold-making, and am pouring a small crucible, (#16) which has a 65 lb. capacity. In the stone carving area, I use both hand and pneumatic tools.


Small Works